Paavolan Loma-asunnot is located in North Karelia, by Lake Pielinen, about 12 km from the centre of Nurmes towards Lieksa.
Location coordinates: 63.494034, 29.282584
Driving instructions
From the direction of Nurmes: From the roundabout, (signs: Kohtavaara 6, Bomba-Hyvärilä) take Esa Timosen tie/Kohtavaarantie for about 8.8 km, then turn right to Kylmälahdentie. Drive along Kylmälahdentie for about 2 km.
From the direction of Lieksa: From Lieksantie (sign: 7 Höljäkkä), turn left. Drive for 550 m, then turn right to Kohtavaarantie. Drive along Kohtavaarantie for 4.4 km, then turn left to Kylmälahdentie. Drive along Kylmälahdentie for about 2 km.
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